Saturday, May 5, 2012

Keeping House

My sister-in-law Laura just posted her housekeeping confessions.  I have to admit, I've never once stepped into her house and thought "This woman needs to clean her house!"  But I get it.  I get through each day, kids alive, but house a mess.  It's not that I don't have time or energy, I just never think about those little things I can do each day to keep the house tidy.  So, following Laura's lead, I've put together a cleaning list to help me remember.

Using her list as a template, I made up my own list.  I hate doing the same cleaning task for a long period of time, like more than 10 minutes, so I broke tasks down into little things.  You'll notice I do bathroom mirrors on one day, and toilets on another.  That's the kind of cleaning that works for me.  I used Excel and Publisher to put a pretty graphic behind the list, then mounted it in a dollar store frame.  I can then use a dry erase marker to check off what I've done.  I'd love to take credit for all that, but Laura's the genius.

Bryn loved it so much that she kept asking me what tasks she could do so she could check them off.  So, while she napped this afternoon, I made a list just for her and put it in a 5x7 frame I had already..  I included the stuff she fights me on every morning, like getting dressed and eating breakfast.  Cute, eh?

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