Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 2 - Learning Happiness

So, I think, mostly by default, that this will be a weekly series instead of the planned daily.  I just don't have the energy to write at the end of every day. And I'm guessing that many of Laura's happiness ideas will require longer than a day to try.

This week, Laura talks about life commandments.  That kids aren't born knowing how to find real happiness, that we as parents have to teach them.  Life commandments like:

  • giving to others makes us feel happy too
  • thinking about another person’s feelings will help you too, when they decide to consider your feelings in return
  • that your conscience will keep you safe when mommy can’t
  • that family bonds are strong and super valuable 

Since this experiment is not only about helping my kids to be happy, but learning to be happy myself, I should be thinking about what life commandments I want to live by, beyond the stuff we learn at church.  I'll admit, I haven't done a very good job of thinking through that this week.  I'll try to incorporate that this next week, I guess.

As for what life commandments I'm teaching my kids, I think there's a gap between what I want them to be learning and what I'm actually teaching them.  I want them to be patient, but I don't show much patience.  I want them to be loving and kind, but I'm not really very nice to them sometimes.  There are things I do OK at:  I want them to be generous with the good things God has given them, and I think I'm a decent example of that.  I want them to love each other, and somehow they've learned that - they are so sweet to each other!  

I think maybe I'm too focused on obedience, and not enough on love.  I'll have to work on that.

Next week: "Invite a Friend"

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm liking this review thing a lot. This way I don't have to go read Laura's blog myself as I don't have time right now...Someday...maybe.

    This one makes really good sense too. I often forget that about the teenagers that I work with. They can't read my mind. They don't know what I expect unless I'm telling them and teaching them how I need them to behave. And a lot of the really important things are taught by example.

    Thanks for sharing Jolayne!


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