OK, so this post is mostly so that I can find this blog post again, but you all should read this! I think all Mom's suffer from this a little, but I'm guessing it's especially true for those of us with PPD. I remember people saying things like 'Isn't being a Mom wonderful!?' just after Bryn was born. And I want to say 'No, it stinks. I hate every minute of it.' But you just can't say that to people. It's just not done. Anyway, I can say it now (maybe not quite so bluntly), but it still doesn't feel any better.
Had a bad day yesterday. Not much yelling, but I just felt grumpy all day. It didn't help that something's bugging Henrik so he spent a lot of time screaming yesterday. I just have such a hard time with the screaming. Any ideas for dealing with that?
Here are some recent cute pics of the kiddies. Bryn says to me (way too
often, it seems): 'Even when you're mad, you're still my Mommy!' And
she's right. Even when I'm not at my best, I still love my beautiful
little ones!