Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Great Article on Mommyhood!

OK, so this post is mostly so that I can find this blog post again, but you all should read this!  I think all Mom's suffer from this a little, but I'm guessing it's especially true for those of us with PPD.  I remember people saying things like 'Isn't being a Mom wonderful!?' just after Bryn was born.  And I want to say 'No, it stinks.  I hate every minute of it.'  But you just can't say that to people.  It's just not done.  Anyway, I can say it now (maybe not quite so bluntly), but it still doesn't feel any better.

Had a bad day yesterday.  Not much yelling, but I just felt grumpy all day.  It didn't help that something's bugging Henrik so he spent a lot of time screaming yesterday.  I just have such a hard time with the screaming.  Any ideas for dealing with that?

Here are some recent cute pics of the kiddies.  Bryn says to me (way too often, it seems): 'Even when you're mad, you're still my Mommy!'  And she's right.  Even when I'm not at my best, I still love my beautiful little ones!


  1. Loved that article!!! Said exactly what it's really like!! I think I've started to see more of the kairos moments since being on my meds. Thank you for sharing!!!!! Also loved the pics! New years was fun!! Love your crazy little kids!

  2. That is a great article! I've seen it floating around fb and finally read the whole thing.

  3. Thank-you for sharing this article Jolayne...just what I needed today (and almost every other day to be honest) I have a name for those who claim to love every single poop exploded diaper, spilled syrup, permanent marker on the carpet, throw up on the couch moment...LIARS. No one can honestly say they have never once thought "this sucks" or "why did I decide I wanted to do this" at some point during parenthood.
    As for the screaming - remember there is nothing wrong with putting him in his crib, where you know he will be safe, and going somewhere that you can't hear him for a while. Even if that means the front yard. Or the car in the driveway. I've done it. And some days I've needed to put myself in several "mommy time outs". I still do it. My kids have learned that when I'm in time out not to come find me or ask for anything. And most of the time now when I come back, I find them calmed down as well.
    And as with all advice, take it with a grain of salt :-) *hugs*


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